
Welcome Volunteer!

GMI TV wants to welcome everyone that is ready to help.

Questions You May Have About Volunteering

1. Do I have a calling?
“And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Matthew 24:14 “Go ye therefore, and preach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen” Matthew 28:19 “The gospel commission is the great missionary charter of Christ’s kingdom. The disciples were to work earnestly for souls, giving to all the invitation of mercy. They were not to wait for the people to come to them; they were to go to the people with their message.” “The Acts of the Apostles” pg 28

An assurance of your calling is given only by God, by the way He knows to make it known to you! Are you still not sure? Contact Us!

2. What opportunities are available? The following is a sample list of areas in which an international or domestic, long term volunteer might serve:

  • Medical/Dental/Natural Remedies/Physical Therapy/Medical Missionary
  • Administration/Secretary/Receptionist
  • Teaching/Translators
  • Children & Youth Ministry
  • Media/Engineering/Editing/IT/Broadcasting & Satellite/Content Creator
  • Construction/Carpentry/General Maintenance
  • Frontline/Pioneering/Bible Worker/Evangelist/Preaching
  • Pilot/Mechanic/A&P or IA
  • Cook/Agriculture/Home Economics
  • Orpahanage Work/Social Work/ House Parents

3. Who can serve? There is a place for everyone. Make sure that mission is your calling. Apply Now!

4. Where should I serve? View the list of countries where you can serve

5. How long should I serve?
Most of our projects would love to have long term missionaries. But short term missionary help is welcome. Long term assignments can range anywhere from six months to two years, or longer.

6. What’s the mission of your organization?
Read our Mission Statement

Apply Now!